Diet, Slimming & Fitness |
Also visit our Blog for the latest health related news and articles.
- Introduction
- "DIETS" the Big-Money Industry
- "Diets" DON'T WORK.
- The Secret of Movie Stars and Celebrities
- "The Most Powerful Fat-Burning System Ever Created!"
- Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle
- Burning Fat Doesn't Have To Be Torture!
- Index to Tom Venuto Articles on Diet, Slimming & Weight Loss
- Table of Calories Burned During Exercise
Also visit our Blog for the latest health related news and articles.
Did You Know There are 50,195 diet books listed on
Yet NONE of them can work for every body type. It's physically impossible!
How long would it take to read 50,000 books looking for the diet that's right for you?
You'd have better odds of winning the next World Series of Poker.
How many times have we seen people marketing or producing diet programs and diet supplements, while they themselves are fat and grossly overweight.
Yet most people gamble their health away by blindly buying every diet book that comes out and only fall deeper into depression when nothing works.
The One Size Fits All Diet Does Not Exist!
That is why so many weight loss programs have been epic failures.
If You're Not Eating The Right Foods That Burn Fat For YOUR Specific Body Type... You Will Never Achieve Permanent Fat Loss!
And what's worse is... staying on the wrong kind of diet can cause you to lose more muscle than fat... leading you to suffer what I call "skinny fat" syndrome.
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"DIETS" the Big-Money Industry
There are many, many slimming diet and weight-loss programs out there. Everyone is trying their luck at making a buck from selling you some weight loss miracle.
"Diet" = "Die" with a T
Much confusion abounds regarding diets.
When most people hear this word, they think of eating plans designed to help them lose weight ("diets"). It's a buzzword in the popular culture and in mainstream medicine. There are literally thousands of "diets" out there helping people to yo-yo up and down from fat to thin to fatter and beyond, and each one of them has its devotees...
The biggest commercial success in "diet" history is WeightWatchers. Jean Nidetch and Al and Felice Lippert officially started Weight Watchers in 1963. It was the start of a global business phenomenon, fuelled by American affluence and a new consciousness about weight.
Mrs Nidetch came up with a system of points and rewards to encourage subscribers to stick to the "dier" program, all structured around weekly meetings, binding them to the commercialised "diet" program for life. Once you're in it you have to stick with it for life or regain all your weight.
Weight Watchers is a brilliant business model. Meetings are now held in 30 countries including the United Arab Emirates, South Africa, New Zealand and Singapore. Each week 1.3million people attend 50,000 sessions Weight Watchers meetings worldwide.
The business expanded by moving into recipe books and branded foods. Its spectacular success led to it being bought by the Heinz food empire in 1978. It is a marketing success and a business model that works, because subscribers are bound to the Weight Watchers "diet-food" brand. Today European investment firm Artal Luxembourg owns about 59% of Weight Watchers and not without good reason.
In 2010, consumers spent over $4 billion on Weight Watchers branded "diet" products and services, including meetings conducted by the Company and its franchisees, "diet" products sold at meetings, Internet subscription "diet" products sold by the company, licensed "diet" products sold in retail channels and magazine subscriptions and other publications. Weight Watchers Magazine has a US readership of 10.8 million. Weight Watchers is a major advertiser, and no one wants to tick them off or lose their business, so no one will ever go against them and patients love the cultish AA-style confessional meetings.
Weight Watchers is not a weight loss success as much as it is a brilliant business success. To this day the system has NEVER changed, with foods scored on their fat and calorie content, but does it really work or is it all about good marketing?
The bottom-line is that you do not want to become part of a successful multi-billion-Dollar business model, you want to get rid of the extra fat, be fit and healthy as you should be.
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"Diets" DON'T WORK.
And now, there's proof. History's largest study on "diets" to date has verified what real experts have been saying all along. According to the journal "American Psychologist", some University of California researchers analyzed more than 30 prior studies on various "diets" and concluded:
- Most "dieters" put back on all the weight they lose in the years immediately following their initial weight loss
- Sustained weight loss occurred in only a fractional minority of those who'd "dieted"
- The average female "dieter" put back on 55% more weight than she'd initially lost
- After regaining their original weight loss, as many as two-thirds of "dieters" ended up heavier than they were before they started
- Groups of "dieters" often ended up heavier than similar control groups who hadn't tried to lose weight
The general conclusion the University of California researchers came to was that "diets" are HARMFUL TO HEALTH in the vast bulk (no pun intended) of cases - adding to the likelihood of heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular disease.
The fact is that lifelong, nutritionally complete eating plans adapted to your specific metabolic type have helped many people to achieve permanent weight loss and greater health.
The simple truth is: They do not want you to achieve permanent weight loss, because when you succeed - they lose a customer.
As you've probably discovered, most weight loss is temporary at best. That's because most diets are designed for you to fail.
The people behind them have never worked alongside real people to see what it really takes to make a change.
They don't know the struggle regular people endure to overcome a lifetime of bad habits and faulty information.
Diet companies and internet marketers only see you as a blip on a sales chart - not a human being.
Bottom line: A healthy nutrition plan specific to your body type combined with exercise is the only way to stay trim and healthy over the long haul.
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The Secret of Movie Stars and Celebrities
Ever wonder how actors and actresses gain massive amounts of weight for movies and then lose the fat faster than they had gained it? Ever wonder how actresses regain their beautiful bodies so soon after conclusion of pregnancy? Ever wish that you could learn the secret of the movie stars?
This is the secret that Hollywood celebrities and professional models use to keep their bodies in such "photo ready" condition they actually want the paparazzi taking their picture at the beach.....
It's the secret that women's figure champs and natural body-builders use to get "ripped" six-pack abs....
And it's the same secret behind all those people you think are "naturally skinny" and seem to eat whatever they want without gaining an ounce.
Well I've discovered their secret.
The secret behind the immaculate bodies of the movie stars is someone by the name of Tom Venuto.Tom is the one that trains movie stars. He is the one that helps movie stars obtain, retain and regain those immaculate bodies. Tom Venuto simply is the secret behind the movie stars, pop stars and thousands of others.
Tom Venuto has been coaching, celebrities, movie stars, fitness models and body-builders for over 22 years.
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"The Most Powerful Fat-Burning System Ever Created!"
So who is Tom Venuto and what makes him so special that even I would suggest his program? Besides a Toyota Land Cruiser and myself, there is very little and very few people I recommend to anyone.
Tom Venuto is a lifetime natural bodybuilder, an NSCA-certified personal trainer, certified strength coach, and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" Tom has written hundreds of articles and been featured in IRONMAN, Australian IRONMAN, Natural Bodybuilding, Muscular Development, Exercise for Men and Men's Exercise, as well as on dozens of websites worldwide.
Tom Venuto is a personal trainer, nutrition consultant, motivation coach, fitness model, health club manager and best-selling author. He has written more than 500 articles on nutrition, training, fat loss and fitness motivation, and his articles can be found on thousands of websites worldwide. He has been featured in the mainstream media too, including Oprah magazine, First for Women magazine, Experience Life magazine, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. He obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Adult Health/Fitness (Exercise Science) from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania.
Tom Venuto has been featured on over two dozen radio shows including Martha Stewart Healthy Living (on Sirius Satellite radio), 1250-ESPN and WCBS-AM New York.
Tom Venuto is a 7-time Natural (steroid-free) Bodybuilding Champion... and NO you DO NOT have to become a bodybuilder to quickly get into the best shape of your life, but he is proof of his own program and you could learn from the expert himself.
Tom Venuto has been working with regular people of all shapes and sizes for over 20 years as a trainer, gym manager and fat loss coach. The success of his program is not measured in terms of business strategy and a successful business model, the success of this program is measured in the lasting results achieved by hundreds of thousands of people.
The reason Tom Venuto's fat loss system has been praised and publicised is because the secret behind his 49-Day Body Transformation doesn't just help you move the needle on your scale..... helps you achieve permanent fat loss while protecting your lean muscle tissue. "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" - that's what it's all about.
After all the years of helping people with their weight problems, the best results I've ever seen has been with Tom Venuto's "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" system. The difference is that Tom Venuto's system produces consistent and lasting results, because its adaptable to individual body types. Its not a one size fits all approach.
Tom Venuto provides motivational training, explains why people do not lose weight, he teaches you about the different body types and how to adapt your usual diet and lifestyle to your body type for long term results. In one case a man weighing 475pound more than halved his weight and became so fit that he the ended up climbing Mount Everest twice.
Tom Venuto practises what he preaches and he is himself a living example of his own fat burning system.
I've been studying, investigating and experimenting with slimming and fitness programs for decades and I have never come across anything as successful, as lasting and as effective as the Tom Venuto program.
While many people would try arguing against Tom Venuto's approach, he has more that 20 years and hundreds of thousands of successful case studies to support his program. No other diet or weight loss program in the World is built on such consistent hands-on in-the-field success spanning more than two decades.
Tom Venuto's "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" program is an example to the medical profession, because his system is TRULY evidence based. He is not only a health, fitness and nutrition expert, but he is also a science geek. He is the most highly read expert in the field and he keeps himself up to date by reading every available journal every month. He has published hundreds of articles sharing his expertise with the world. But more than that he achieved his own personal physical excellence and health using his own system. He has hundreds of thousands of successful participants to prove that his approach really works. He has researched and experimented with this very system for more than 20 years. That is science and that is real evidence based health care.
I have read many and experimented with many different weight loss programs and in my opinion Tom Venuto has no competition, because no one can compete with his record of success, with his expertise or with his more than 20 years of practical applied experience with hundreds of thousands of satisfied people.
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"Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle"
Tom Venuto's book - Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle - is the best-selling fat loss diet and nutrition e-book in Internet History, with almost 200,000 readers in 144 countries so far, and with good reason.
If you're really interested in fat loss, whether that's losing 50Kg or more, the last 5 - 10 Kg or actually getting "ripped" to the point of 6-pack abs, then please visit Tom Venuto's fat loss website and read all about Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle - it's the most successful effective program that has transformed literally hundreds of thousands of bodies...
No Magic Pills, No Extreme Diets, No Living At The Gym... Discover The Little-Known Secret Celebrities, Bodybuilders And Fitness Models Use To Stay "Photo Ready" Fit
He needs people to understand that losing weight must be a lifestyle
He himself practices the diets included in this program to keep himself lean all year long.
Reading Tom Venuto's book "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" could be a major turning point in your life.
But I have to warn you: What you'll read Tom Venuto's "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" is the total opposite of what you've been hearing from the diet industry.
Tom Venuto's system is the only one backed by more than 20 years of "in the trenches" training and experimenting with real people. He has personally guided thousands of people as they transformed their bodies and took control over their lives.
Tom Venuto knows what it takes. It's not always a walk in the park. But here's the good news -
Losing Weight Is Not Difficult!
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Burning Fat Doesn't Have To Be Torture!
With Tom Venuto's system you will work WITH your body's natural type - not against it - to burn fat and re-energise your metabolism so you can keep it off forever.
You will learn how to eat right for your body type and you will understand why this is so important if you want to lose weight.
The critical need to eat for your body type explains :
- Why you've followed other diets to a "T" and still not lost weight: That's because no matter how well you stick to a diet, if it's not right for your body type, you will not burn fat.
- Why you could starve yourself for 6 days and get nowhere, then "pig out" on the 7th day and suddenly see the scale drop: Eating for the wrong body type can leave your body starved for calories, causing it to go into emergency "starvation mode." "Pigging out" silences the alarms and re-energizes your metabolism. (I'll show you how to eat right for your body so your metabolism stays turbo-charged!)
- How you can stick to the same diet way better than your friend... but she gets results and you don't: That means the diet was right for her body type but not yours, so she could cheat and still lose, while you starved and got nowhere.
When all it really takes to guarantee your results is to set your personal goals for the ideal body that YOU WANT, identify your body type... then eat the right fat-burning foods in the right amounts.
And that's exactly what Tom Venuto will show you in his best-selling program: Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle!
The system he teaches is the system he uses himself!
Visit our Index to Tom Venuto Articles on Diet, Slimming & Weight Loss
ACTIVITY (1 hour) | 60kg | 70kg | 86kg |
general Aerobics, high impact Aerobics, low impact Archery (non-hunting) Automobile repair Backpacking, general Badminton, competitive Badminton, social, general Basketball, game Basketball, nongame, general Basketball, officiating Basketball, shooting baskets Basketball, wheelchair Bicycling, <10mph, leisure Bicycling, >20mph, racing Bicycling, 10-11.9mph, light effort Bicycling, 12-13.9mph, moderate effort Bicycling, 14-15.9mph, vigorous effort Bicycling, 16-19mph, very fast, racing Bicycling, BMX or mountain Bicycling, stationary, general Bicycling, stationary, light effort Bicycling, stationary, moderate effort Bicycling, stationary, very light effort Bicycling, stationary, very vigorous effort Bicycling, stationary, vigorous effort Billiards Bowling Boxing, in ring, general Boxing, punching bag Boxing, sparring Broomball Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort Calisthenics, home, light/moderate effort Canoeing, on camping trip Canoeing, rowing, >6 mph, vigorous effort Canoeing, rowing, crewing, competition Canoeing, rowing, light effort Canoeing, rowing, moderate effort Carpentry, general Carrying heavy loads, such as bricks Child care: sitting/kneeling-dressing, feeding Child care: standing-dressing, feeding Circuit training, general Cleaning, heavy, vigorous effort Cleaning, house, general Cleaning, light, moderate effort Coaching: football, soccer, basketball, etc. Construction, outside, remodeling Cooking or food preparation Cricket (batting, bowling) Croquet Curling Dancing, aerobic, ballet or modern, twist Dancing, ballroom, fast Dancing, ballroom, slow Dancing, general Darts, wall or lawn Diving, springboard or platform Electrical work, plumbing Farming, baling hay, cleaning barn Farming, milking by hand Farming, shoveling grain Fencing Fishing from boat, sitting Fishing from river bank, standing Fishing in stream, in waders Fishing, general Fishing, ice, sitting Football or baseball, playing catch Football, competitive Football, touch, flag, general Frisbee playing, general Frisbee, ultimate Gardening, general Golf, carrying clubs Golf, general Golf, miniature or driving range Golf, pulling clubs Golf, using power cart Gymnastics, general Hacky sack Handball, general Handball, team Health club exercise, general Hiking, cross country Hockey, field Hockey, ice Horse grooming Horse racing, galloping Horseback riding, general Horseback riding, trotting Horseback riding, walking Hunting, general Jai alai Jogging, general Judo, karate, kick boxing, tae kwan do Kayaking Kickball Lacrosse Marching band, playing instrument(walking) Marching, rapidly, military Moto-cross Moving furniture, household Moving household items, boxes, upstairs Moving household items, carrying boxes Mowing lawn, general Mowing lawn, riding mower Music playing, cello, flute, horn, woodwind Music playing, drums Music playing, guitar, classical, folk(sitting) Music playing, guitar, rock/roll band(standing) Music playing, piano, organ, violin, trumpet Paddleboat Painting, papering, plastering, scraping Polo Pushing or pulling stroller with child Race walking Racquetball, casual, general Racquetball, competitive Raking lawn Rock climbing, ascending rock Rock climbing, rapelling Rope jumping, fast Rope jumping, moderate, general Rope jumping, slow Rowing, stationary, light effort Rowing, stationary, moderate effort Rowing, stationary, very vigorous effort Rowing, stationary, vigorous effort Rugby Running, 10 mph (6 min mile) Running, 10.9 mph (5.5 min mile) Running, 5 mph (12 min mile) Running, 5.2 mph (11.5 min mile) Running, 6 mph (10 min mile) Running, 6.7 mph (9 min mile) Running, 7 mph (8.5 min mile) Running, 7.5mph (8 min mile) Running, 8 mph (7.5 min mile) Running, 8.6 mph (7 min mile) Running, 9 mph (6.5 min mile) Running, cross country Running, general Running, in place Running, on a track, team practice Running, stairs, up Running, training, pushing wheelchair Running, wheeling, general Sailing, boat/board, windsurfing, general Sailing, in competition Scrubbing floors, on hands and knees Shoveling snow, by hand Shuffleboard, lawn bowling Sitting-playing with child(ren)-light Skateboarding Skating, ice, 9 mph or less Skating, ice, general Skating, ice, rapidly, > 9 mph Skating, ice, speed, competitive Skating, roller Ski jumping (climb up carrying skis) Ski machine, general Skiing, cross-country, >8.0 mph, racing Skiing, cross-country, moderate effort Skiing, cross-country, slow or light effort Skiing, cross-country, uphill, maximum effort Skiing, cross-country, vigorous effort Skiing, downhill, light effort Skiing, downhill, moderate effort Skiing, downhill, vigorous effort, racing Skiing, snow, general Skiing, water Ski-mobiling, water Skin diving, scuba diving, general Sledding, tobogganing, bobsledding, luge Snorkeling Snow shoeing Snowmobiling Soccer, casual, general Soccer, competitive Softball or baseball, fast or slow pitch Softball, officiating Squash Stair-treadmill ergometer, general Standing-packing/unpacking boxes Stretching, hatha yoga Surfing, body or board Sweeping garage, sidewalk Swimming laps, freestyle, fast, vigorous effort Swimming laps, freestyle, light/moderate effort Swimming, backstroke, general Swimming, breaststroke, general Swimming, butterfly, general Swimming, leisurely, general Swimming, sidestroke, general Swimming, sychronized Swimming, treading water, fast/vigorous Swimming, treading water, moderate effort Table tennis, ping pong Tai chi Teaching aerobics class Tennis, doubles Tennis, general Tennis, singles Unicycling Volleyball, beach Volleyball, competitive, in gymnasium Volleyball, noncompetitive; 6-9 member team Walk/run-playing with child(ren)-moderate Walk/run-playing with child(ren)-vigorous Walking, 2.0 mph, slow pace Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog Walking, 3.5 mph, uphill Walking, 4.0 mph, very brisk pace Walking, carrying infant or 15-lb load Walking, grass track Walking, upstairs Walking, using crutches Wallyball, general Water aerobics, water calisthenics Water polo Water volleyball Weight lifting or body building, vigorous effort Weight lifting, light or moderate effort Whitewater rafting, kayaking, or canoeing |
354 413 295 207 177 413 413 266 472 354 413 266 384 236 944 354 472 590 708 502 295 325 413 177 738 620 148 177 708 354 531 413 472 266 236 708 708 177 413 207 472 177 207 472 266 207 148 236 325 148 295 148 236 354 325 177 266 148 177 207 472 177 325 354 148 207 354 236 118 148 531 472 177 207 295 325 236 177 295 207 236 236 708 472 325 354 472 472 354 472 236 384 148 295 708 413 590 295 413 472 236 384 236 354 531 413 325 148 118 236 118 177 148 236 266 472 148 384 413 590 236 649 472 708 590 472 413 502 708 561 590 944 1062 472 531 590 649 679 738 797 826 885 531 472 472 590 885 472 177 177 295 325 354 177 148 295 325 413 531 885 413 413 561 826 472 413 974 531 295 354 472 413 354 413 413 413 295 472 207 413 590 295 354 708 354 207 236 177 236 590 472 472 590 649 354 472 472 590 236 236 236 354 354 413 472 295 472 236 177 236 295 148 207 354 236 207 295 472 236 413 236 590 177 354 177 295 |
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