Homeopathic and other Links
Also visit our Blog for the latest health related news and articles.
Homeopathy Statutory Health Councils
Commercial Sites Software and other sites
Visit our Blog for the latest health related news and articles.
Sue Young Homeopathy
American Medical College of Homeopathy
ABC Homeopathy
Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (AHPCSA)
(Go to "PROFESSIONAL BOARDS - PBHNP" for Homeopathy)
Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA)
South African Nursing Council
South African Pharmacy Council
Medicines Control Council of South Africa (MCC)
Council for Medical Schemes
(see also the Board of Healthcare Funders below)
Government and Related Sites
South African Government
South African Department of Health
Homeopathic Association of South Africa (HSA)
South African Medical Association (SAMA)
Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa (PSSA)
Board of Healthcare Funders of South Africa (BHF)
Health Products Association (HPA)
Durban University of Technology (DUT) Department of Homoeopathy
University of Johannesburg (UJ) Department of Homoeopathy
SA Faculty of Homeopathy (SAFH) Postgraduate Course for Medical Practitioners
University of the Western Cape (UWC) School of Natural Medicine
Hoërskool Montana Exceptional Parallel Medium High School in Pretoria
Professional & Clinical Information Sites
Visit our Blog for the latest health related news and articles.
Merck Manual Home 2nd Edition Online (Well known clinical reference)
Animated Human Body (Animated views of the organs of the body - very nice)
Drugs.com (popular, comprehensive and up-to-date drug information resource)
Wrong Diagnosis.com (A very helpful patient resource)
AL Sears MD (A GREAT Health, Diet & Fitness Resource)
Dr.Mercola (Probably the most extensive Health Resource on the Internet)
The Douglas Report (If you want to learn the real truth)
Buteyko Asthma Treatment (A revolutionary asthma treatment programme)
RxList Medical & Health Slide-show Index (Slide Shows on various conditions)
SA Vaccination and Immunisation Centre (All you need to know about Vaccination)
MedWatch Medicine Safety Alerts (FDA gateway for clinically important safety information and serious problems with human medical products)
Complementary & Alternative Medicine Companies
FoodState South Africa (Manufacturer and Distributor of FoodState Neutraceuticals)
Natura Laboratories (Manufacturer and Distributor of Homeopathic medicine)
Tibb Herbal Medicine (This is where Modern Medicine originated)
Search Engines and Homepages
Igloo (The BEST South African Homepage and Internet Resource to find anything Fast)
Ananzi (South African Search Engine)
Altavista (Excellent Search Engine)
Google (Excellent Search Engine)
Scirus (Search Engine specifically aimed at the Sciences, Medicine, etc.)
Kalahari.net (Buy Books and anything else Online)
Identity Embroidery & Corporate Gifts
(Corporate Identity, Branding and Marketing)
EPJS Civil and Technology
(Civil Construction and Technology Company)
Ubuntu Linux
(Free Linux Software developed by Mark Schuttleworth)