Drs JP Prinsloo Incorporated
Dr. J.P. Prinsloo snr (1933 - 2002) |
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Dr. J.P. Prinsloo snr ND. DO. D.Hom. Ph.D.(Lond) Hon.Ph.D.(Lond) MRDP. MRH. ISNP. ISHP (USA) LDT (COAS) Dip.Hom.Prax.(W.Germany)
Diploma in Physical Therapy
Doctor of
Doctor of Osteopathy
Doctor of Naturopathy and Homeopathy
SIERRA STATES UNIVERSITY U.S.A. (With Prof. George Floden)
Instruction Course for State Board Examination
Licenciate in Drugless
Therapy(Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Osteopathy & Chiropractics,
followed by a one year Internship at Ashwin Clinic)
Diploma Course for Membership of the British Herbal
Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded Honorary
Dip.Hom.Prax. Post
Graduate Dip. in Homoeopathy and Iridology
Occipital Therapy
Clinical Pharmacology I, II, III,
Naturopathic Practitioner
Osteopathic Practitioner
Lecturer, Post-Graduate Homoeopathy, to students of above institutions, Moderator and External Examiner M.Hom, D.Hom and Ph.D.
External examiner peer reviews to the Chiropractors, Homoeopaths and Allied Health Professions Council for Registration purposes.
Member of the Complementary Medicine Committee Broad Based Reference Group.
Member - International Society Naturopathic Physicians ISNP
Member - International Society of Homoeopathic Physicians ISHP
Member - Register Drugless Practitioners MRDP
Dr. Prinsloo started his practice in 1956 making him, at the time of his death, one of the longest practising Homoeopathic practitioners in the Country and possibly in the world. His practice was built upon results and referrals with an international patient base and world-wide acclaim. He was consulted by patients from as far as the U.S.A., U.K., France, Netherlands, Belgium, Israel, Australia, Ghana, Kenia, Ethiopia and throughout South Africa.
Dr. Johannes Pieter Prinsloo
16 October 1933 to 09 July 2002
Also known as Johan or Hannes
by Prof. Alfred Geldenhuys D.Ed.
"Softly the leaves of memory fall, Slowly we'll gather and pick them all. Because today, tomorrow and till our lives are through, we'll always cherish having had a Husband, Father, Grandfather, Friend, Doctor and Colleague like you"
His fondest and most memorable years were on the Farm Nooitgedacht just east of Cullinan,
It was here that he enjoyed much time with his grandfather whom he loved dearly and often spoke of with intense admiration and compassion
Later moved to Pretoria where he also met his Wife Maureen.
His wife met him as a humble man who had tremendous courage and strength and a man who worked hard to achieve his goals
He grew up in a very humble, gentle and caring home which lay the foundation for his own gentle, loving and caring nature, always making time for those around him
He had respect for other people and for their achievements no matter how insignificant
He always considered the needs of others above his own.
A humble man who never placed much value upon the materialistic things in life
To him life revolved around his wife and children, his family and patients
He asked very little from life, while he gave so much
He epitomised the term Unselfish love
Often having been referred to as a "Great Spirit" many people say that it was an Honour and a Privilege to have known him
Not the bragging type, not the Flashy type, not the collar-and-tie type, he was a down to earth, humble man who never considered himself superior or better than others
In the words of his beloved wife "no woman could ever ask for a better husband than him"
The most devoted, caring and loving husband, filled with affection and consideration
His concern for his wife, his devotion to her, his love for her was so great that their relationship seemed like a fairytale
Hannes and Maureen's marriage proved that if two people love each-other unconditionally and unselfishly, arguments and fights have no access
Their children grew up in a home where in 47 years and one week of marriage there was never a fight and never anger, never an argument, only love, caring and devotion
A father one could only dream of, always, always having time for his children, a role-model, a friend, a confidant, a father with wisdom and understanding, who guided his children in every aspect of life, always having an answer to every possible problem in life
His children, grandchildren consider themselves the luckiest in the world to have had him as theirs
He referred to his daughters-in-law as his daughters, because he loved them, regarded and treated them as his own
A proud grandfather who loved his grandchildren with such passion, that the mere sight of them brought a visible smile to his face, a sparkle to his eyes, always overjoyed seeing them
One of the things mentioned more than any other was that Hannes always had time for others, he always made time for others and he always had the answers.
He is highly respected for his knowledge, his wisdom, his lateral thinking, his open-mindedness and his understanding of others' concerns
He had an unequaled general knowledge, one could ask him anything about anything, so much so that some friends and colleagues often referred to him as a "walking library", a "walking Encyclopaedia", a man with the most amazing memory
Dr. Prinsloo was a born Doctor, he had all the makings of a doctor from a young age, which was later to materialise in him becoming a Homoeopathic Practitioner
He was influenced to study Homoeopathy by his mentor Prof. H.O. Munich, member of the Scientific Advisory Committee to the then Prime Minister of South Africa
He had the greatest of respect for Prof. Munich with whom he always maintained contact and always spoke of as one of the greatest scientists South Africa ever produced.
He subsequently completed his first course in Homoeopathy with the Anglo American College of Homoeopathy.
He entered his second course of study when he joined the first group of students at Lindlar College from where he graduated towards the end of the 1950's.
It was here that he met his next mentor and role model, the late Dr. Bill Lilley, who was a founder member and lecturer at Lindlar College.
He always used to refer to Dr. Bill Lilley as one of the great Masters of Homoeopathy and often said that Dr. Bill Lilley was the last of the old Greats, a True Master of Homoeopathy.
He never missed a lecture presented by Dr. Bill Lilley and even after having graduated continued attending his lectures until the end of the 1960's
The person who had a most important and profound influence upon his professional career was the late Dr. Herman Kessel LMSSA, MRCP, MRCS, MD. Dr. Kessel was to him a friend, a mentor and a role model, he guided his career in so many aspects. Dr.Kessel was a person whom Hannes looked up to and so often spoke of with the greatest passion and respect.
In the 1950's he met Prof. C.J. du Preez whom he respected greatly as a medical practitioner, anatomist and teacher. Dr. du Preez was lecturer in anatomy at the University of Pretoria for many years, Superintendent of the H.F.Verwoerd hospital outpatients department and retired as lecturer in anatomy at the Medical University of SA (MEDUNSA). They were very close friends and colleagues until his death in the mid 1990's
Dr. Prinsloo started his own very modest practice where he soon established himself and became known for his successes, especially in the most difficult of cases.
In 1974 he was awarded a Ph.D., which was later followed by an Honorary Ph.D. These became his most cherished qualifications and achievements.
He continued his studies in Homoeopathy and acquired a post graduate diploma in Practical and Applied Homoeopathy also with distinction in 1984.
Besides his studies in Homoeopathy he also qualified as Naturopath and Osteopath, he completed Chiropractics for which he never registered locally feeling that Osteopathy was not only sufficient but more holistic.
He studied Herbalism at the British Herbal Union, one of the most respected and recognised Herbal teaching institution at the time.
He was a qualified Physiotherapist and was instrumental in allowing men to enter the Physiotherapy Profession in South Africa.
His Professional distinctions and achievements are truly too numerous to mention.
In 1996 he attended a Continuing Education Program instituted for newly registered practitioners by the Chiropractors, Homoeopaths Professions Council, again demonstrating his humbleness and his interest in Medical studies.
During the course of 1997 he was asked to present the lectures on Applied Homoeopathy for this course
The interest in his lectures was so great that he was then asked by his colleagues to continue his section of the lectures after the official course was completed.
Due to sheer demand he continued offering his lectures at the University of Pretoria to the end of his life.
During all this time he never accepted money or any kind of remuneration for his lectures, feeling that he wanted to share his knowledge an experience and wanted to give something back to the profession that gave him so much satisfaction
He was often described by colleagues as "The Father of Homeopathy in South Africa", "The top Homoeopath in the World", "A walking Library".
Messages in the days after his passing included words like "Medicine lost one of its greatest leaders and Physicians"
Everyone who ever knew him had the highest respect and regard for him, but more than that he had so much respect for them.
He had the greatest respect for the youngsters who entered Homoeopathy at the two Technikons and for the Medical Practitioners who entered Homoeopathic studies, sometimes very late in their lives
His door was always open to them for any advice and help they might have needed.
Practitioners used to call him while they had patients in-front of them asking for advice and he always made time to assist whether he was busy consulting or not.
He was totally unselfish and shared his personally developed and proven formulae freely
He was never part of elitist groups in Homoeopathy, because he never wanted to be
He never bragged and never boasted, to him the proof was in the eating, in the results, without using gimmicks, gadgets or tricks in his practice
He had a distinct aversion to advertising and self promotion, believing that only one's results should sell the practice
Successes and results he had many and his professional career spanning almost five decades, a career that was built upon results and patient word of mouth referrals
He enjoyed the respect of both Alternative and Medical Practitioners alike and had many friends from both ends of the spectrum
He was instrumental in the births of more than 3000 babies, through his successful treatments of infertility in women
With more than 40,000 patients treated and a current patient base of more than 6,000 from all four corners of this country and abroad.
He had patients referred to him literally from all over the world, including countries like England, France, Finland, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Singapore, Mauritius, all of Africa and especially Israel
He developed a brilliant computer program for the selection of Homoeopathic medicine. The program was developed over a 10 year period and is unique in every respect.
He was very computer literate and spent many, many hours in study, reading and summarising the great works in medicine and Homoeopathy on his PC
He came to this world to learn and observe, which he achieved admirably, but whatever he learned, he shared unselfishly and without prejudice
He respected others and appreciated and always acknowledged their efforts and achievements
He left us a legacy, he left us an example of what being a husband, a father, a grandfather, a brother, a son and even what being a doctor really is all about
He will always be respected and remembered as one of the great masters of Homoeopathy, who thought for himself and never became trapped in tradition and never developed tunnel-vision
He was open-minded and always willing to investigate and try other avenues and new technology
One of the most highly read individuals one can imagine, he was never without a book, whether in the sitting room in front of the television, in his practice, where-ever he went he always had a book with him.
He was renowned for his extensive knowledge of Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Electronics and even Mechanics
Sport was not high on his agenda, but he was fond of Formula one Motor racing, and new the intricacies and the technicalities of the sport and seldom missed a race
Other than this we'll always remember how he enjoyed and lived himself into the wrestling matches on television
One could never in such presentation sketch a picture or even begin to explain what Hannes was all about, his outlook on life, his exceptional wisdom, his astoundingly high intelligence and enquiring mind.
His almost unlimited knowledge and interest in Science, Chemistry, alternative and conventional medicine and Homoeopathy, his genius and his greatness will always stay with us
His advice and leadership is a legacy, his thinking mind a wonder, his personality exemplary, his gentle caring nature a model for us all, but more than anything else -
He will be remembered, mostly by his close family and friends for his devotion to his wife whom he loved so passionately, his love for his children about whom his life revolved, his deep love and affection for his grand-children, his love and concern for his brothers and sisters and for always putting the needs of those he loved before his own, unselfishly, never the least consideration for himself, hearing his car pull up at 3 o'clock in the morning to bring some medicine to a child or grand-child sick in bed, always awake never having slept more than three to four hours a night, always studying, caring and concerning himself with his loved ones and his patients, his regular phone calls will be missed, in fact all of him, all about him will be missed.....
In the words of his wife, Maureen -
"God needed a Healer in Heaven and chose one of His greatest sons for the task"