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The Oldest and Most Established
Homeopathic Practice in South Africa

Dr. Johan P. Prinsloo - D.Sc., D.Hom.

Over the past 40 years of study and practice, Dr. Prinsloo has partaken in numerous interviews and debates on national radio stations and television, including Carte Blanche. He has published many articles in journals and magazines. He is currently busy rewriting the most popular Homeopathic Materia Medica and a Practical Manual on Clinical Homeopathic Practice. Also having worked in the practice with his late father for many years, Dr. Johan Prinsloo is undoubtedly one of the most experienced homeopathic practitioners in South Africa today.

Dr. Prinsloo was born in Pretoria, where he also went to school. After matric he went on to study Homeopathy at the SA Faculty of Homeopathic Medicine, completed his studies in Homeopathy, Naturopathy and Osteopathy at the end of 1982 and finished Herbalism in 1983.

He then went on to study Medical and Scientific imaging and finished the Basic and Advanced Certificate of the Institute of Medical and Biological Illustration (IMBI) offered through Medunsa. He established the Department of Medical Imaging at No.1 Military Hospital in 1985 with the help of the late Prof.D.P.Myburgh (Head of Cardiology at 1 Military Hospital and later Head of Cardiology at University of Pretoria), Dr. Kenny Wienand (The then President of the South African Assocation of Hand Surgeons), Prof.Ettienne Hugo (Head of Orthopaedic Surgery and and also later at Univ of Pretoria) and Dr. Trevor Scholtz (Head of ENT).

From there he moved to Medunsa to join their Department of Medical Illustration, where he remained until 1990. Credited with a number of posters and scientific papers, including illustration of the Mennin Clasp, Spain 1989, "Medical and Scientific Photography and its advantages in medical teaching and practice", "Post Mortem procedure for Medical Imaging" (SAIMI AGM Medunsa 1989). Producer & Chairperson "The South African Seminar on Medical and Scientific Illustration", 1 Military Hospital (Sponsored By Lennon S.A.) 1985. He became a Member of the Executive Committee of the SA Institute of Medical Illustration (SAIMI) and was part of the organising team of "The First South African Stress Symposium" which had as its main speaker renowned Prof.Victor Frankl (Sponsored by Merck - 1985).

He left Medunsa to become a consultant on Health Technology where he assisted with the research and development of Health Technology for a number of companies in the Medical Devices Development and Manufacturing Industry. He focussed on clinical research and development, particularly on TENS pain management devices, TENS Animal Immobilisers and other devices used in cattle Husbandry, Electro-Dental Anaesthesia (EDA) devices, Venum neutralising devices and in the Industrial sector on ELectrical anti-oxidation devices. Ran trials at the Pain Clinic at Hillbrow Hospital, King Edward viii Hospital Durban, Warmbaths Health Hydro, HF Verwoerd Hospital Neuro-surgery Department, MEDUNSA Dental Faculty, Technikon Natal Homeopathy and Chiropractic Departments and presented therapeutic demonstrations at the International Spinal Congress Sun City 1993

In this area he did a vast amount of work, publications and lectures in a relatively short period of time : "Electrical Immobilisation in Animal Science", "The Physiological effects and Principles of Electro-therapeutic Currents", " Electro-Anaesthesia in Cattle husbandry, the Physiological effects and Mechanics", "Electro-Anaesthesia in Dentistry", "Electro-transdermal Homeopathic Treatment", "Electro-Anaesthesia, A perspective on Published Research", "Electro-Immobilisation of Animals", "DDC Therapy: Treating Pain by affecting drainage of Morbid Waste", "Electrical Immobilisation in Animal Science" Fourth Symposium On Science and Technology, Harare 1994 Advances in Productive & Sustainable Applied Technologies. with Prof. Pierre Cilliers

He went on to complete a Certificate in Legal Principles in 1993, a Professional Hypnotherapy Licenciate 1994, NLP Practitioner Certification 1995. In 1995 he was elected vice-chairman of both, the South African Association of Hypnotherapists (SAAH) and of the South African Psycho-Somatology Institute (SAPSI). In the same year he was appointed external examiner of the Midland Institute of Hypnotherapists Great Britain.

In 1995 he was also approached by a group of Homeopathic Practitioners to assist with the registration process of Homeopathic Practitioners disadvantaged as a result of the closing of the Homeopathic registers in the late 1970's. Graduated as Certified Psycho-Neuro-Immunology Practitioner 1996.

From 1995 onwards things changed drastically and his involvement in the Homeopathic profession overtook all else. He joined the Homeopathic Practitioners Association (HAPA) in 1995 and later co-founded, and was appointed National Secretary of, the Natural Therapeutic and Allied Health Practitioners Association (NTAHPA).

Attended the inaugural meeting of the Chiropractors, Homoeopaths and Allied Health Service Professions Interim Council of South Africa on 12 February 1996, soon after which he led a Professional contingent to Parliament, where he held meetings with Dr. Olive Shisana, Director-General of Health at the time and Dr. Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, while she was Chairperson of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health. He disbanded the NTAHPA in the same year and was later instrumental in the merging of the two largest Homeopathic Associations in South Africa, the Homeopathic Practitioners Association (HAPA) and South African Homoeopathic Association (SAHA) to form the Homoeopathic Association of South Africa (HoMASA) as a new united Association. Was made Honorary President of the Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of South Africa (NHASA) in 1997.

He completed Clinical Pharmacology in 1998 and in the same year he also obtained his Diploma Psycho-Somatology. He was Co-founder of the Forum of Homoeopathic Associations of South Africa in the same year.

He went on to complete his Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D) degree and finally completed a Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) in Integrative Sciences in 2000. Introductory, Advanced and Technical & Scientific German 2000-2001. He has attended more than 100 Lectures, Seminars and Congresses since 1980 which included numerous renowned international speakers like, Dr.Allain Horvelleur, Dr.Jean Boiron, Dr.Ivo Bianci, Prof.Izzy Katzef, Hermine Hilton, Alan Pease, Kevin Trudeoux, Howard Stephen Berg, etc. His own papers and presentations include - "The Homoeopathic Treatment of Vertigo" 1999, "A Perspective on Integrative Homoeopathy" (Pharmaceutical and Medical Congress Windhoek 2000), "Homoeopathy in Perspective" (UPDATE Medical Journal 2000), "An Introduction to Homoeopathic Complexes for Influenza and related conditions" (UPDATE Medical Journal 2000), "Clinical trials and research in Homoeopathy" (Gaborone 2001), "Integrating Homoeopathy into conventional Clinical Practice" (Gaborone 2000), "The Scientific basis of Homoeopathy","The South African Homoeopathic Practitioner’s Responsibility in Primary Health Care"(TWR Academic Day 2003,)

Founded the Homeopathic Association of South Africa (HSA) and was later joined by Dr. Danny Pillay at a founding meeting held on 02 August 2000. Dr.Pillay was the first chairman and Dr.Prinsloo the first secretary of the HSA, a position he held until 19 February 2005.

On 5 October 2000 he approached Parliament with an urgent application, which led to public hearings on the Chiropractors, Homoeopaths and Allied Health Service Professions Amendment Bill before the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health and Social Services on 30 October 2000.

Dr. Prinsloo drafted most sections pertaining to the Homoeopathic Profession and Homoeopathic Medicine & Substances, and numerous general sections of the Allied Health Professions Act. Translated the Act from English into Afrikaans as tasked by the language section of the Dept. of Justice. Drafted the comments to the Chiropractors. Homoeopaths & Allied Health Service. Prof. Amendment Bill and the comments to the Regulations of the same Act on behalf of Homoeopathic Profession, Drafted most sections in the Regulations pertaining to the Homoeopathic profession & medicine. Drafted the proposed Scope of Practice for Homoeopaths, Drafted the original CPD program on behalf of the Homoeopathic Profession, appeared as Expert Witness on behalf of the State in a number of Medico-legal cases, Developed new BHF Tariff coding structure for the Homoeopathic Profession in 1999, Drafted the Comment on The General Regulations In Terms of the Med. & Related Substances Contr. Act. 101/1965 behalf of the Homoeopathic Profession in 2001 and 2004. Assisted with the drafting of the Guidelines for Good Dispensing Practice as part of the dispensing Licence Course for Homoeopaths, was part of the task team that developed the Unit Standard for the Dispensing License course for HPCSA and AHPCSA professions, drafted the constitutions of numerous Professional Associations in SA and assisted in the drafting of the new constitution of the HSA, Drafted the Homoeopathic Profession's Comments on the National Health Charter for inclusion in the AHPCSA submission, and drafted numerous comments, regulations and other documentation to promote, develop and strenghten the position of the Homoeopathic Profession, etc.

He was elected Deputy Chairman of the Professional Board for Homoeopathy, Naturopathy & Phytotherapy (PBHNP)-2003 & 2004 - Chairperson 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and again in 2010. Member Education Committee (PBHNP), Member Ethics Committee (PBHNP), Member of the Council's Finance Committee since 2006, Member of the National Board and Chairperson of the Specialist Committee on Legislative Affairs - Homoeopathic Association of SA (HSA), Member-Univ. of Johannesburg Dept. of Homoeopathy Education Advisory Committee, and Served on numerous committees, boards and associations over the past few decades.
Please note that Dr. Prinsloo retired from the Professional Board for Homoeopathy, Naturopathy & Phytotherapy (PBHNP) and from the Homeopathic Association of South Africa (HSA) in 2010.

He has represented the profession at various platforms and led a Professional contingent to parliament in 1996 and 2000 to address specific problems and issues affecting the Complementary Professions.